NIPA Tables:

BEA: Data Tools

NIPA Concepts.pdf

Guide to NIPA data.pdf

U.S. National Economic Accounts Overview

Overview of U.S. National Economic Accounts

There are three elements that form the U.S. national economic accounts:

Separately, the Bureau of Labor Statistics prepares estimates of productivity.

NIPA Detail

The NIPAs provide information to help answer three basic questions. First, what is the output of the economy—its size, its composition, and its use? Second, what are the sources and uses of national income? Third, what are the sources of saving, which provides for investment in future production? The NIPA estimates are presented in a set of integrated accounts that show U.S. production, income, consumption, investment, and saving. The conceptual framework of the accounts is illustrated by seven summary accounts, and detailed estimates are provided in approximately 300 supporting NIPA tables. The NIPA information is supplemented by a set of fixed-asset accounts, which show the U.S. stock of fixed assets and consumer durable goods.4

NIPA also includes the quarterly estimates of corporate profits, which provide an economic measure of U.S. corporate financial performance. the NIPA estimates are used in various analytical measures; for example, business-sector output is used as the numerator in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ estimates of productivity for the U.S. economy.

NIPA Table Nomenclature